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PACS is the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme®. PACS numbers, developed by the American Institute of Physics, have been used in Physical Review since 1975 to identify fields and sub-fields of physics. (PACS codes from the Acoustics Appendix are not included in some of the formats listed below.)

10. The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields
  • 11. General theory of fields and particles
  • 11.10.-z Field theory
  • 11.10.Cd Axiomatic approach
  • 11.10.Ef Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach
  • 11.10.Gh Renormalization
  • 11.10.Hi Renormalization group evolution of parameters
  • 11.10.Jj Asymptotic problems and properties
  • 11.10.Kk Field theories in dimensions other than four
  • 11.10.Lm Nonlinear or nonlocal theories and models
  • 11.10.Nx Noncommutative field theory
  • 11.10.St Bound and unstable states; Bethe-Salpeter equations
  • 11.10.Wx Finite-temperature field theory
  • 11.15.-q Gauge field theories
  • 11.15.Bt General properties of perturbation theory
  • 11.15.Ex Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries
  • 11.15.Ha Lattice gauge theory
  • 11.15.Kc Classical and semiclassical techniques
  • 11.15.Me Strong-coupling expansions
  • 11.15.Pg Expansions for large numbers of components (e.g., 1/Nc expansions)
  • 11.15.Tk Other nonperturbative techniques
  • 11.25.-w Strings and branes
  • 11.25.Db Properties of perturbation theory
  • 11.25.Hf Conformal field theory, algebraic structures
  • 11.25.Mj Compactification and four-dimensional models
  • 11.25.Pm Noncritical string theory
  • 11.25.Sq Nonperturbative techniques; string field theory
  • 11.25.Tq Gauge/string duality
  • 11.25.Uv D branes
  • 11.25.Wx String and brane phenomenology
  • 11.25.Yb M theory
  • 11.27.+d Extended classical solutions; cosmic strings, domain walls, texture
  • 11.30.-j Symmetry and conservation laws
  • 11.30.Cp Lorentz and Poincare invariance
  • 11.30.Er Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, and other discrete symmetries
  • 11.30.Fs Global symmetries (e.g., baryon number, lepton number)
  • 11.30.Hv Flavor symmetries
  • 11.30.Ly Other internal and higher symmetries
  • 11.30.Na Nonlinear and dynamical symmetries (spectrum-generating symmetries)
  • 11.30.Pb Supersymmetry
  • 11.30.Qc Spontaneous and radiative symmetry breaking
  • 11.30.Rd Chiral symmetries
  • 11.40.-q Currents and their properties
  • 11.40.Dw General theory of currents
  • 11.40.Ex Formal properties of current algebras
  • 11.40.Ha Partially conserved axial-vector currents
  • 11.55.-m S-matrix theory; analytic structure of amplitudes
  • 11.55.Bq Analytic properties of S matrix
  • 11.55.Ds Exact S matrices
  • 11.55.Fv Dispersion relations
  • 11.55.Hx Sum rules
  • 11.55.Jy Regge formalism
  • 11.80.-m Relativistic scattering theory
  • 11.80.Cr Kinematical properties (helicity and invariant amplitudes, kinematic singularities, etc.)
  • 11.80.Et Partial-wave analysis
  • 11.80.Fv Approximations (eikonal approximation, variational principles, etc.)
  • 11.80.Gw Multichannel scattering
  • 11.80.Jy Many-body scattering and Faddeev equation
  • 11.80.La Multiple scattering
  • 11.90.+t Other topics in general theory of fields and particles (restricted to new topics in section 11)
  • 12. Specific theories and interaction models; particle systematics
  • 12.10.-g Unified field theories and models
  • 12.10.Dm Unified theories and models of strong and electroweak interactions
  • 12.10.Kt Unification of couplings; mass relations
  • 12.15.-y Electroweak interactions
  • 12.15.Ff Quark and lepton masses and mixing
  • 12.15.Hh Determination of Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements
  • 12.15.Ji Applications of electroweak models to specific processes
  • 12.15.Lk Electroweak radiative corrections
  • 12.15.Mm Neutral currents
  • 12.20.-m Quantum electrodynamics
  • 12.20.Ds Specific calculations
  • 12.20.Fv Experimental tests
  • 12.38.-t Quantum chromodynamics
  • 12.38.Aw General properties of QCD (dynamics, confinement, etc.)
  • 12.38.Bx Perturbative calculations
  • 12.38.Cy Summation of perturbation theory
  • 12.38.Gc Lattice QCD calculations
  • 12.38.Lg Other nonperturbative calculations
  • 12.38.Mh Quark-gluon plasma
  • 12.38.Qk Experimental tests
  • 12.39.-x Phenomenological quark models
  • 12.39.Ba Bag model
  • 12.39.Dc Skyrmions
  • 12.39.Fe Chiral Lagrangians
  • 12.39.Hg Heavy quark effective theory
  • 12.39.Jh Nonrelativistic quark model
  • 12.39.Ki Relativistic quark model
  • 12.39.Mk Glueball and nonstandard multi-quark/gluon states
  • 12.39.Pn Potential models
  • 12.39.St Factorization
  • 12.40.-y Other models for strong interactions
  • 12.40.Ee Statistical models
  • 12.40.Nn Regge theory, duality, absorptive/optical models
  • 12.40.Vv Vector-meson dominance
  • 12.40.Yx Hadron mass models and calculations
  • 12.60.-i Models beyond the standard model
  • 12.60.Cn Extensions of electroweak gauge sector
  • 12.60.Fr Extensions of electroweak Higgs sector
  • 12.60.Jv Supersymmetric models
  • 12.60.Nz Technicolor models
  • 12.60.Rc Composite models
  • 12.90.+b Miscellaneous theoretical ideas and models (restricted to new topics in section 12)
  • 13. Specific reactions and phenomenology
  • 13.15.+g Neutrino interactions
  • 13.20.-v Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays of mesons
  • 13.20.Cz Decays of pi mesons
  • 13.20.Eb Decays of K mesons
  • 13.20.Fc Decays of charmed mesons
  • 13.20.Gd Decays of J/psi, Upsilon, and other quarkonia
  • 13.20.He Decays of bottom mesons
  • 13.20.Jf Decays of other mesons
  • 13.25.-k Hadronic decays of mesons
  • 13.25.Cq Decays of pi mesons
  • 13.25.Es Decays of K mesons
  • 13.25.Ft Decays of charmed mesons
  • 13.25.Gv Decays of J/psi, Upsilon, and other quarkonia
  • 13.25.Hw Decays of bottom mesons
  • 13.25.Jx Decays of other mesons
  • 13.30.-a Decays of baryons
  • 13.30.Ce Leptonic, semileptonic, and radiative decays
  • 13.30.Eg Hadronic decays
  • 13.35.-r Decays of leptons
  • 13.35.Bv Decays of muons
  • 13.35.Dx Decays of taus
  • 13.35.Hb Decays of heavy neutrinos
  • 13.38.-b Decays of intermediate bosons
  • 13.38.Be Decays of W bosons
  • 13.38.Dg Decays of Z bosons
  • 13.40.-f Electromagnetic processes and properties
  • 13.40.Dk Electromagnetic mass differences
  • 13.40.Em Electric and magnetic moments
  • 13.40.Gp Electromagnetic form factors
  • 13.40.Hq Electromagnetic decays
  • 13.40.Ks Electromagnetic corrections to strong- and weak-interaction processes
  • 13.60.-r Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons
  • 13.60.Fz Elastic and Compton scattering
  • 13.60.Hb Total and inclusive cross sections (including deep-inelastic processes)
  • 13.60.Le Meson production
  • 13.60.Rj Baryon production
  • 13.66.-a Lepton-lepton interactions
  • 13.66.Bc Hadron production in e-e+ interactions
  • 13.66.De Lepton production in e-e+ interactions
  • 13.66.Fg Gauge and Higgs boson production in e-e+ interactions
  • 13.66.Hk Production of non-standard model particles in e-e+ interactions
  • 13.66.Jn Precision mesurements in e-e+ interactions
  • 13.66.Lm Processes in other lepton-lepton interactions
  • 13.75.-n Hadron-induced low- and intermediate-energy reactions and scattering (energy(less-than-or-equal-to)10 GeV)
  • 13.75.Cs Nucleon-nucleon interactions (including antinucleons, deuterons, etc.)
  • 13.75.Ev Hyperon-nucleon interactions
  • 13.75.Gx Pion-baryon interactions
  • 13.75.Jz Kaon-baryon interactions
  • 13.75.Lb Meson-meson interactions
  • 13.85.-t Hadron-induced high- and super-high-energy interactions (energy>10 GeV)
  • 13.85.Dz Elastic scattering
  • 13.85.Fb Inelastic scattering: two-particle final states
  • 13.85.Hd Inelastic scattering: many-particle final states
  • 13.85.Lg Total cross sections
  • 13.85.Ni Inclusive production with identified hadrons
  • 13.85.Qk Inclusive production with identified leptons, photons, or other nonhadronic particles
  • 13.85.Rm Limits on production of particles
  • 13.85.Tp Cosmic-ray interactions
  • 13.87.-a Jets in large-Q2 scattering
  • 13.87.Ce Production
  • 13.87.Fh Fragmentation into hadrons
  • 13.88.+e Polarization in interactions and scattering
  • 13.90.+i Other topics in specific reactions and phenomenology of elementary particles (restricted to new topics in section 13)
  • 14. Properties of specific particles
  • 14.20.-c Baryons (including antiparticles)
  • 14.20.Dh Protons and neutrons
  • 14.20.Gk Baryon resonances with S=0
  • 14.20.Jn Hyperons
  • 14.20.Lq Charmed baryons
  • 14.20.Mr Bottom baryons
  • 14.20.Pt Dibaryons
  • 14.40.-n Mesons
  • 14.40.Aq pi, K, and eta mesons
  • 14.40.Cs Other mesons with S=C=0, mass<2.5 GeV
  • 14.40.Ev Other strange mesons
  • 14.40.Gx Mesons with S=C=B=0, mass>2.5 GeV (including quarkonia)
  • 14.40.Lb Charmed mesons
  • 14.40.Nd Bottom mesons
  • 14.60.-z Leptons
  • 14.60.Cd Electrons (including positrons)
  • 14.60.Ef Muons
  • 14.60.Fg Taus
  • 14.60.Hi Other charged heavy leptons
  • 14.60.Lm Ordinary neutrinos (nue, numu, nutau)
  • 14.60.Pq Neutrino mass and mixing
  • 14.60.St Non-standard-model neutrinos, right-handed neutrinos, etc.
  • 14.65.-q Quarks
  • 14.65.Bt Light quarks
  • 14.65.Dw Charmed quarks
  • 14.65.Fy Bottom quarks
  • 14.65.Ha Top quarks
  • 14.70.-e Gauge bosons
  • 14.70.Bh Photons
  • 14.70.Dj Gluons
  • 14.70.Fm W bosons
  • 14.70.Hp Z bosons
  • 14.70.Pw Other gauge bosons
  • 14.80.-j Other particles (including hypothetical)
  • 14.80.Bn Standard-model Higgs bosons
  • 14.80.Cp Non-standard-model Higgs bosons
  • 14.80.Hv Magnetic monopoles
  • 14.80.Ly Supersymmetric partners of known particles
  • 14.80.Mz Axions and other Nambu-Goldstone bosons (Majorons, familons, etc.)
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