PACS is the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme®. PACS numbers,
developed by the American Institute of Physics, have been used in Physical
Review since 1975 to identify fields and sub-fields of physics. (PACS codes
from the Acoustics Appendix are not included in some of the formats listed
- PACS Category 00: General
- PACS Category 10: The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields
- PACS Category 20: Nuclear Physics
- PACS Category 30: Atomic and Molecular Physics
- PACS Category 40: Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics, and Fluid Dynamics
- PACS Category 50: Physics of Gases, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- PACS Category 60: Condensed Matter: Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties
- PACS Category 70: Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties
- PACS Category 80: Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology
- PACS Category 90: Geophysics, Astronomy, and Astrophysics
- Appendix to 43: Acoustics
43. Acoustics
- 43.05.-k Acoustical Society of America
- 43.05.Bp Constitution and bylaws
- 43.05.Dr History
- 43.05.Ft Honorary members
- 43.05.Gv Publications, ARLO, Echoes, ASA Web page, electronic archives and references
- 43.05.Hw Meetings
- 43.05.Ky Members and membership lists, personal notes, fellows
- 43.05.Ma Administrative committee activities
- 43.05.Nb Technical committee activities; Technical Council
- 43.05.Pc Prizes, medals, and other awards
- 43.05.Re Regional chapters
- 43.05.Sf Obituaries
- 43.10.-a General
- 43.10.Ce Conferences, lectures, and announcements (not of the Acoustical Society of America)
- 43.10.Df Other acoustical societies and their publications, online journals
- 43.10.Eg Biographical, historical, and personal notes (not of the Acoustical Society of America)
- 43.10.Gi Editorials
- 43.10.Hj Books and book reviews
- 43.10.Jk Bibliographies
- 43.10.Km Patents
- 43.10.Ln Surveys and tutorial papers relating to acoustics research
- 43.10.Mq Tutorial papers of historical and philosophical nature
- 43.10.Nq Nonacoustical theories
- 43.10.Pr Nonacoustical devices
- 43.10.Qs Notes relating to acoustics as a profession
- 43.10.Sv Education in acoustics, tutorial papers of interest to acoustics educators
- 43.10.Vx Errata
- 43.15.+s Standards
- 43.20.-f General linear acoustics
- 43.20.Bi Mathematical theory of wave propagation
- 43.20.Dk Ray acoustics
- 43.20.El Reflection, refraction, diffraction of acoustic waves
- 43.20.Fn Scattering of acoustic waves
- 43.20.Gp Reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, and scattering of elastic and poroelastic waves
- 43.20.Hq Velocity and attenuation of acoustic waves
- 43.20.Jr Velocity and attenuation of elastic and poroelastic waves
- 43.20.Ks Standing waves, resonance, normal modes
- 43.20.Mv Waveguides, wave propagation in tubes and ducts
- 43.20.Px Transient radiation and scattering
- 43.20.Rz Steady-state radiation from sources, impedance, radiation patterns
- 43.20.Tb Interaction of vibrating structures with surrounding medium
- 43.20.Wd Analogies
- 43.20.Ye Measurement methods and instrumentation
- 43.25.-x Nonlinear acoustics
- 43.25.Ba Parameters of nonlinearity of the medium
- 43.25.Cb Macrosonic propagation, finite amplitude sound; shock waves
- 43.25.Dc Nonlinear acoustics of solids
- 43.25.Ed Effect of nonlinearity on velocity and attenuation
- 43.25.Fe Effect of nonlinearity on acoustic surface waves
- 43.25.Gf Standing waves; resonance
- 43.25.Hg Interaction of intense sound waves with noise
- 43.25.Jh Reflection, refraction, interference, scattering, and diffraction of intense sound waves
- 43.25.Lj Parametric arrays, interaction of sound with sound, virtual sources
- 43.25.Nm Acoustic streaming
- 43.25.Qp Radiation pressure
- 43.25.Rq Solitons, chaos
- 43.25.Ts Nonlinear acoustical and dynamical systems
- 43.25.Uv Acoustic levitation
- 43.25.Vt Intense sound sources
- 43.25.Yw Acoustic cavitation, vibration of gas bubbles in liquids
- 43.25.Zx Measurement methods and instrumentation for nonlinear acoustics
- 43.28.-g Aeroacoustics and atmospheric sound
- 43.28.Bj Mechanisms affecting sound propagation in air, sound speed in the air, acoustic-gravity waves
- 43.28.Dm Infrasound
- 43.28.En Interaction of sound with ground surfaces, ground cover and topography, and acoustic impedance of outdoor surfaces
- 43.28.Fp Outdoor sound propagation through a stationary atmosphere, meteorological factors
- 43.28.Gq Outdoor sound propagation and scattering in a turbulent atmosphere, and in non-uniform flowfields
- 43.28.Hr Outdoor sound sources
- 43.28.Js Numerical models for outdoor propagation
- 43.28.Kt Aerothermoacoustics and combustion acoustics
- 43.28.Lv Statistical characteristics of sound fields and propagation parameters
- 43.28.Mw Shock and blast waves, sonic boom
- 43.28.Py Interaction of fluid motion and sound, Doppler effect and sound in flow ducts.
- 43.28.Ra Generation of sound by fluid flow, aerodynamic sound, turbulence
- 43.28.Tc Sound-in-air measurements, methods and instrumentation for location, navigation, altimetry, and sound ranging
- 43.28.Vd Measurement methods and instrumentation to determine or evaluate atmospheric parameters, winds, turbulence, temperatures, and pollutants in air
- 43.28.We Measurement methods and instrumentation for remote sensing and for inverse problems
- 43.30.-k Underwater sound
- 43.30.Bp Normal mode propagation of sound in water
- 43.30.Cq Ray propagation of sound in water
- 43.30.Dr Hybrid and asymptotic propagation theories, related experiments
- 43.30.Es Velocity, attenuation, refraction, and diffraction in water, Doppler effect
- 43.30.Ft Volume scattering
- 43.30.Gv Backscattering, echoes, and reverberation in water due to combinations of boundaries
- 43.30.Hw Rough interface scattering
- 43.30.Jx Radiation from objects vibrating under water, acoustic and mechanical impedance
- 43.30.Ky Structures and materials for absorbing sound in water; propagation in fluid-filled permeable material
- 43.30.Lz Underwater applications of nonlinear acoustics; explosions
- 43.30.Ma Acoustics of sediments; ice covers, viscoelastic media; seismic underwater acoustics
- 43.30.Nb Noise in water; generation mechanisms and characteristics of the field
- 43.30.Pc Ocean parameter estimation by acoustical methods; remote sensing; imaging, inversion, acoustic tomography
- 43.30.Qd Global scale acoustics; ocean basin thermometry, transbasin acoustics
- 43.30.Re Signal coherence or fluctuation due to sound propagation/scattering in the ocean
- 43.30.Sf Acoustical detection of marine life; passive and active
- 43.30.Tg Navigational instruments using underwater sound
- 43.30.Vh Active sonar systems
- 43.30.Wi Passive sonar systems and algorithms, matched field processing in underwater acoustics
- 43.30.Xm Underwater measurement and calibration instrumentation and procedures
- 43.30.Yj Transducers and transducer arrays for underwater sound; transducer calibration
- 43.30.Zk Experimental modeling
- 43.35.-c Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound
- 43.35.Ae Ultrasonic velocity, dispersion, scattering, diffraction, and attenuation in gases
- 43.35.Bf Ultrasonic velocity, dispersion, scattering, diffraction, and attenuation in liquids, liquid crystals, uspensions, and emulsions
- 43.35.Cg Ultrasonic velocity, dispersion, scattering, diffraction, and attenuation in solids; elastic constants
- 43.35.Dh Pretersonics (sound of frequency above 1010Hz); Brillouin scattering
- 43.35.Ei Acoustic cavitation in liquids
- 43.35.Fj Ultrasonic relaxation processes in gases, liquids, and solids
- 43.35.Gk Phonons in crystal lattices, quantum acoustics
- 43.35.Hl Sonoluminescence
- 43.35.Kp Plasma acoustics
- 43.35.Lq Low-temperature acoustics, sound in liquid helium
- 43.35.Mr Acoustics of viscoelastic materials
- 43.35.Ns Acoustical properties of thin films
- 43.35.Pt Surface waves in solids and liquids
- 43.35.Rw Magnetoacoustic effect; oscillations and resonance
- 43.35.Sx Acoustooptical effects, optoacoustics, acoustical visualization, acoustical microscopy, and acoustical olography
- 43.35.Ty Other physical effects of sound
- 43.35.Ud Thermoacoustics, high temperature acoustics, photoacoustic effect
- 43.35.Vz Chemical effects of ultrasound
- 43.35.Wa Biological effects of ultrasound, ultrasonic tomography
- 43.35.Xd Nuclear acoustical resonance, acoustical magnetic resonance
- 43.35.Yb Ultrasonic instrumentation and measurement techniques
- 43.35.Zc Use of ultrasonics in nondestructive testing, industrial processes, and industrial products
- 43.38.-p Transduction; acoustical devices for the generation and reproduction of sound
- 43.38.Ar Transducing principles, materials, and structures: general
- 43.38.Bs Electrostatic transducers
- 43.38.Ct Magnetostrictive transducers
- 43.38.Dv Electromagnetic and electrodynamic transducers
- 43.38.Ew Feedback transducers
- 43.38.Fx Piezoelectric and ferroelectric transducers
- 43.38.Gy Semiconductor transducers
- 43.38.Hz Transducer arrays, acoustic interaction effects in arrays
- 43.38.Ja Loudspeakers and horns, practical sound sources
- 43.38.Kb Microphones and their calibration
- 43.38.Lc Amplifiers, attenuators, and audio controls
- 43.38.Md Sound recording and reproducing systems, general concepts
- 43.38.Ne Mechanical, optical, and photographic recording and reproducing systems
- 43.38.Pf Hydroacoustic and hydraulic transducers
- 43.38.Qg Magnetic and electrostatic recording and reproducing systems
- 43.38.Rh Surface acoustic wave transducers
- 43.38.Si Telephones, earphones, sound power telephones, and intercommunication systems
- 43.38.Tj Public address systems, sound-reinforcement systems
- 43.38.Vk Stereophonic reproduction
- 43.38.Wl Broadcasting (radio and television)
- 43.38.Yn Impulse transducers
- 43.38.Zp Acoustooptic and photoacoustic transducers
- 43.40.-r Structural acoustics and vibration
- 43.40.At Experimental and theoretical studies of vibrating systems
- 43.40.Cw Vibrations of strings, rods, and beams
- 43.40.Dx Vibrations of membranes and plates
- 43.40.Ey Vibrations of shells
- 43.40.Fz Acoustic scattering by elastic structures
- 43.40.Ga Nonlinear vibration
- 43.40.Hb Random vibration
- 43.40.Jc Shock and shock reduction and absorption; velocity of shock waves
- 43.40.Kd Impact and impact reduction, mechanical transients
- 43.40.Le Techniques for nondestructive evaluation and monitoring, acoustic emission
- 43.40.Ng Effects of vibration and shock on biological systems, including man
- 43.40.Ph Seismology and geophysical prospecting; seismographs
- 43.40.Qi Effect of sound on structures, fatigue; spatial statistics of structural vibration
- 43.40.Rj Radiation from vibrating structures into fluid media
- 43.40.Sk Mechanical filters
- 43.40.Tm Vibration isolators, attenuators, and dampers
- 43.40.Vn Active vibration control
- 43.40.Yq Instrumentation and techniques for tests and measurement relating to shock and vibration, including vibration pickups, indicators, and generators, mechanical impedance
- 43.50.-x Noise: its effects and control
- 43.50.Ba Noisiness: rating methods and criteria
- 43.50.Cb Noise spectra, determination of sound power
- 43.50.Ed Noise generation
- 43.50.Fe Noise masking systems
- 43.50.Gf Noise control at source: redesign, application of absorptive materials and reactive elements, mufflers, noise silencers, noise barriers, and attenuators, etc.
- 43.50.Hg Noise control at the ear
- 43.50.Jh Noise in buildings and general machinery noise
- 43.50.Ki Active noise control
- 43.50.Lj Transportation noise sources: air, road, rail, and marine vehicles
- 43.50.Nm Aerodynamic and jet noise
- 43.50.Pn Impulse noise and noise due to impact
- 43.50.Qp Effects of noise on man and society
- 43.50.Rq Environmental noise, measurement, analysis, statistical characteristics
- 43.50.Sr Community noise, noise zoning, by-laws, and legislation
- 43.50.Vt Topographical and meteorological factors in noise propagation
- 43.50.Yw Instrumentation and techniques for noise measurement and analysis
- 43.55.-n Architectural acoustics
- 43.55.Br Room acoustics: theory and experiment; reverberation, normal modes, diffusion, transient and steady-state response
- 43.55.Cs Stationary response of rooms to noise; spatial statistics of room response; random testing
- 43.55.Dt Sound absorption in enclosures: theory and measurement; use of absorption in offices, commercial and domestic spaces
- 43.55.Ev Sound absorption properties of materials: theory and measurement of sound absorption coefficients; acoustic impedance and admittance
- 43.55.Fw Auditorium and enclosure design
- 43.55.Gx Studies of existing auditoria and enclosures
- 43.55.Hy Subjective effects in room acoustics, speech in rooms
- 43.55.Jz Sound-reinforcement systems for rooms and enclosures
- 43.55.Ka Computer simulation of acoustics in enclosures, modeling
- 43.55.Lb Electrical simulation of reverberation
- 43.55.Mc Room acoustics measuring instruments, computer measurement of room properties
- 43.55.Nd Reverberation room design: theory, applications to measurements of sound absorption, transmission loss, sound power
- 43.55.Pe Anechoic chamber design, wedges
- 43.55.Rg Sound transmission through walls and through ducts: theory and measurement
- 43.55.Ti Sound-isolating structures, values of transmission coefficients
- 43.55.Vj Vibration-isolating supports in building acoustics
- 43.55.Wk Damping of panels
- 43.58.-e Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
- 43.58.Bh Acoustic impedance measurement
- 43.58.Dj Sound velocity
- 43.58.Fm Sound level meters, level recorders, sound pressure, particle velocity, and sound intensity measurements, meters, and controllers
- 43.58.Gn Acoustic impulse analyzers and measurements
- 43.58.Hp Tuning forks, frequency standards; frequency measuring and recording instruments; time standards and hronographs
- 43.58.Jq Wave and tone synthesizers
- 43.58.Kr Spectrum and frequency analyzers and filters; acoustical and electrical oscillographs; photoacoustic spectrometers; acoustical delay lines and resonators
- 43.58.Ls Acoustical lenses and microscopes
- 43.58.Mt Phase meters
- 43.58.Pw Rayleigh disks
- 43.58.Ry Distortion: frequency, nonlinear, phase, and transient; measurement of distortion
- 43.58.Ta Computers and computer programs in acoustics
- 43.58.Vb Calibration of acoustical devices and systems
- 43.58.Wc Electrical and mechanical oscillators
- 43.60.-c Acoustic signal processing
- 43.60.Ac Theory of acoustic signal processing
- 43.60.Bf Acoustic signal detection and classification, applications to control systems
- 43.60.Cg Statistical properties of signals and noise
- 43.60.Dh Signal processing for communications: telephony and telemetry, sound pickup and reproduction, multimedia
- 43.60.Ek Acoustic signal coding, morphology, and transformation
- 43.60.Fg Acoustic array systems and processing, beam-forming
- 43.60.Gk Space-time signal processing, other than matched field processing
- 43.60.Hj Time-frequency signal processing, wavelets
- 43.60.Jn Source localization and parameter estimation
- 43.60.Kx Matched field processing
- 43.60.Lq Acoustic imaging, displays, pattern recognition, feature extraction
- 43.60.Mn Adaptive processing
- 43.60.Np Acoustic signal processing techniques for neural nets and learning systems
- 43.60.Pt Signal processing techniques for acoustic inverse problems
- 43.60.Qv Signal processing instrumentation, integrated systems, smart transducers, devices and architectures, displays and interfaces for acoustic systems
- 43.60.Rw Remote sensing methods, acoustic tomography
- 43.60.Sx Acoustic holography
- 43.60.Tj Wave front reconstruction, acoustic time-reversal, and phase conjugation
- 43.60.Uv Model-based signal processing
- 43.60.Vx Acoustic sensing and acquisition
- 43.60.Wy Non-stationary signal analysis, non-linear systems, and higher order statistics
- 43.64.-q Physiological acoustics
- 43.64.Bt Models and theories of the auditory system
- 43.64.Dw Anatomy of the cochlea and auditory nerve
- 43.64.Fy Anatomy of the auditory central nervous system
- 43.64.Gz Biochemistry and pharmacology of the auditory system
- 43.64.Ha Acoustical properties of the outer ear; middle-ear mechanics and reflex
- 43.64.Jb Otoacoustic emissions
- 43.64.Kc Cochlear mechanics
- 43.64.Ld Physiology of hair cells
- 43.64.Me Effects of electrical stimulation, cochlear implant
- 43.64.Nf Cochlear electrophysiology
- 43.64.Pg Electrophysiology of the auditory nerve
- 43.64.Qh Electrophysiology of the auditory central nervous system
- 43.64.Ri Evoked responses to sounds
- 43.64.Sj Neural responses to speech
- 43.64.Tk Physiology of sound generation and detection by animals
- 43.64.Vm Physiology of the somatosensory system
- 43.64.Wn Effects of noise and trauma on the auditory system
- 43.64.Yp Instruments and methods
- 43.66.-x Psychological acoustics
- 43.66.Ba Models and theories of auditory processes
- 43.66.Cb Loudness, absolute threshold
- 43.66.Dc Masking
- 43.66.Ed Auditory fatigue, temporary threshold shift
- 43.66.Fe Discrimination: intensity and frequency
- 43.66.Gf Detection and discrimination of sound by animals
- 43.66.Hg Pitch
- 43.66.Jh Timbre
- 43.66.Ki Subjective tones
- 43.66.Lj Perceptual effects of sound
- 43.66.Mk Temporal and sequential aspects of hearing
- 43.66.Nm Phase effects
- 43.66.Pn Binaural hearing
- 43.66.Qp Localization of sound sources
- 43.66.Rq Dichotic listening
- 43.66.Sr Deafness, audiometry, aging effects
- 43.66.Ts Auditory prostheses, hearing aids
- 43.66.Vt Hearing protection
- 43.66.Wv Vibration and tactile senses
- 43.66.Yw Instruments and methods related to hearing and its measurement
- 43.70.-h Speech production
- 43.70.Aj Anatomy and physiology of the vocal tract, larynx function, speech aerodynamics, articulatory kinematics, artificial larynx
- 43.70.Bk Models and theories of speech production
- 43.70.Dn Disordered speech; speech training
- 43.70.Ep Development of speech production
- 43.70.Fq Acoustical correlates of phonetic segments and suprasegmental properties: stress, timing, and intonation
- 43.70.Gr Voice and talker characteristics
- 43.70.Jt Instrumentation and methodology for speech production research
- 43.70.Kv Cross-language analysis of speech
- 43.71.-k Speech perception
- 43.71.An Models and theories of speech perception
- 43.71.Bp Perception of voice and talker characteristics
- 43.71.Es Vowel and consonant perception; perception of words, sentences, and fluent speech
- 43.71.Ft Development of speech perception
- 43.71.Gv Measures of speech perception (intelligibility and quality)
- 43.71.Hw Cross-language perception of speech
- 43.71.Ky Speech perception by the hearing impaired
- 43.71.Lz Speech perception by the aging
- 43.71.Ma Visual and tactile speech perception
- 43.71.Pc Peripheral and central mechanisms in speech perception
- 43.72.-p Speech processing and communication systems
- 43.72.Ar Speech analysis and analysis techniques; parametric representation of speech
- 43.72.Bs Neural networks for speech recognition
- 43.72.Ct Acoustical methods for determining vocal tract shapes
- 43.72.Dv Speech-noise interaction
- 43.72.Ew Speech enhancement techniques
- 43.72.Fx Talker identification and adaptation algorithms
- 43.72.Gy Narrow, medium, and wideband speech coding
- 43.72.Ja Speech synthesis and synthesis techniques
- 43.72.Kb Speech communication systems and speech performance
- 43.72.Lc Time and frequency alignment procedures for speech
- 43.72.Ne Automatic speech recognition systems
- 43.72.Pf Automatic talker recognition systems
- 43.75.-z Music and musical instruments
- 43.75.Bc Intonation, vibrato, musical scales, and musical composition
- 43.75.Cd Music perception and cognition
- 43.75.De Bowed stringed instruments
- 43.75.Ef Woodwinds
- 43.75.Fg Brass wind instruments (lip-vibrated)
- 43.75.Gh Plucked stringed instruments
- 43.75.Hi Drums and other membranophonic instruments
- 43.75.Kk Bells, xylophones, and other instruments having rigid vibrators
- 43.75.Mn Pianos and other keyboard stringed instruments
- 43.75.Np Pipe organs
- 43.75.Pq Reed wind instruments
- 43.75.Qr Flue wind instruments
- 43.75.Rs Singing
- 43.75.St Musical performance analysis and training
- 43.75.Tv Electrical musical instruments
- 43.75.Wx Electronic music, computer music
- 43.75.Yy Instrumentation and techniques for measurements
- 43.80.-n Bioacoustics
- 43.80.Cs Acoustical characteristics of biological media: molecular species, cellular level tissues
- 43.80.Ev Acoustical measurement methods in biological systems and media
- 43.80.Gx Mechanisms of action of acoustic energy on biologicalsystems: physical processes, sites of action
- 43.80.Jz Use of acoustic energy (with or without other forms) in studies of structure and function of biological systems
- 43.80.Ka Sound production by animals: mechanisms, characteristics, populations, biosonar
- 43.80.Lb Sound reception by animals: anatomy, physiology, auditory capacities, processing
- 43.80.Nd Effects of noise on animals and associated behavior, protective mechanisms
- 43.80.Pe Agroacoustics
- 43.80.Qf Medical diagnosis with acoustics
- 43.80.Sh Medical use of ultrasonics for tissue modification (permanent and temporary)
- 43.80.Vj Acoustical medical instrumentation and measurement techniques